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Loopback 1 2 1 – Route Audio Between Applications

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Loopback 1.2.1 | 7.24 MB

So the common application of loopback cable is Loopback Test. Step 2: Leave approximately 1/2 inch at end and start twisting, very tightly. (Note: You’d better use a tool to help with the twisting in order to avoid hurting your fingers. Notice how tightly wound the cable is. If the twists are not close enough, the loopback will not work. Force an application that does not allow you to set an audio device in the application to send its audio to a different WDM audio device Create virtual WDM input and output devices. For example devices where you can send only game audio, only music from a music player, or input devices that expose your finished stream mix or only your processed.

Loopback Audio Mac

Cable-Free Audio Routing for Mac

Suddenly, it’s easy to pass audio between applications on your Mac. Create virtual audio devices to take the sound from applications and audio input devices, then send it to audio processing applications. Loopback gives you the power of a high-end studio mixing board, right inside your computer!

Combine Audio Sources
Configuring a virtual audio device from multiple sources is easy. Just add the applications and physical audio devices you want to include to the Audio Sources table to get started. Can you use microsoft word on a mac.

Available System-Wide
Your Mac will show Loopback’s virtual devices exactly like physical devices. Find them listed among other devices in System Preferences or select them as an input or output in any audio app.

Send Audio Between Apps
Loopback can also create pass-thru devices, which send audio from one app to another. Set the Loopback device as the output in one app and the input in another to make audio flow directly between the applications.

Play Audio to All Your Podcast Guests
Cannon fodder 2 v2 0 0 15 download free. Combine your mic with audio sources like iTunes or QuickTime Player, then select your Loopback device as your source in Skype. Presto! Your guests all hear both your voice and your audio add-ons.

Loopback 1 2 1 – Route Audio Between Applications Near Me

Record Gameplay Videos
Making gameplay videos with great audio doesn’t have to be difficult. If you’re using a device like Elgato’s Game Capture hardware and you want to record both your microphone and the game’s audio at once, Loopback can assist!

Combine Hardware Devices
Apps like GarageBand, Logic, and Ableton Live only record from a single audio device at once. Thankfully, they offer recording from many channels. With Loopback, you can combine multiple input devices into one virtual device for easy recording.

Requires Intel Mac OS X 10.11 or later.

On Monday, Rogue Amoeba released Loopback, a $99 (currently on sale for $75) audio utility that dramatically enhances the flexibility of Mac audio. If you’re a podcaster, DJ, or other person who spends time trying to route audio between different Mac apps, you may find Loopback to be an essential tool.


OS X frustratingly doesn’t let you route audio directly from specific apps and input devices to other apps. With Loopback, you can create virtual audio inputs and outputs that appear in the Sound preference pane and in just about any app that works with audio. (It’s a trick that I previously used Ambrosia Software’s WireTap Anywhere tool for, but that app broke in Lion and is no longer being developed. The open-source tool Soundflower does the same thing, although I find its interface confusing and its compatibility and reliability wanting.)

Loopback uses the audio smarts of the makers of Audio Hijack to create an audio utility that’s reliable and offers an interface that’s much more easily understandable. I’ve been using Loopback during its lengthy beta period, and have found it to be an invaluable tool for some very specific audio needs.

Toddler simulator 1 0. Here’s a simple example of how Loopback can be helpful: Even if you’ve got a multi-channel input device attached to your Mac, Skype will only ever use the first channel. With Loopback, you can create a virtual input device that mixes all the channels of your mixer into a single channel. (When I was at Macworld, we had a ridiculous setup where Skype used an iMac’s audio-input jack as its microphone, fed by an output from our mixing device, so that the people on the other end of Skype could hear all four microphones in our studio at one time. Ridiculous.)

Alternately, if you’ve got two USB microphones, you can plug them both in, and create a virtual input that combines them both. Switch to Skype, choose the new virtual interface as your “microphone”, and the app will be none the wiser. (Rogue Amoeba also suggests that screencasters will like Loopback because you can combine apps and input devices exactly as you want them when you’re recording.)

You define what goes where via Loopback’s simple, drag-and-drop interface. You can also create a “pass-thru device,” which serves as both an input and an output, so that you route sound directly from one app to another—for example, from GarageBand to Skype.

One of the frustrations I’ve had for a while is an inability to play audio clips into a Skype conversation. I actually figured out a way to work around this using Audio Hijack 3, but the approach is only functional when Audio Hijack 3 is actively recording my session. With Loopback, I can create a virtual device that combines my microphone and either iTunes or a soundboard app, and use that device as Skype’s “microphone.”

Is this an esoteric audio tool that will only be of value to people who do weird things with Mac audio? Yep. But if you’re one of those people, Loopback is potentially a workflow-shattering experience—and in the best way.

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Loopback 1 2 1 – Route Audio Between Applications
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